News archive

Core Training

It is customary to say that a solid house must have a solid foundation. The same applies to a project, an investment and so on. It is important to prepare the body to perform a sports movement properly, providing basic effectiveness and solidity, regardless of performance, although this will certain...
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Hat in the summer yes or no? A brief analysis

Repeatedly, we have remarked on the search for the best conditions for running in the summer. A garment you should pay particular attention to is your visor hat. When running, whether it’s long distance or tempo, repeats or sprints, it’s important to track a number attributes, and head t...
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Maqui, the fruit of sportspersons

The maqui Aristotelia chilensis is an evergreen plant of the Elaeocarpaceae family that looks like a large shrub with a thin elastic trunk that can reach 5 meters in height. The leaves are elliptical and it is characterized by white flowers and juicy dark blue berries, the size of an olive. The Maqu...
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Insoles for sports

Among the sports items, and particularly among the technical material for running, you always find a large range of shoes, for different types of athletes, tracks, needs; various items of clothing for different seasons; accessories of all kinds and use to make your running session more comfortable. ...
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Organising your training

Every period of physical exercise should have a goal. This should include ways of achieving an adjustment. As a generalisation, we could argue that 80% of training should be directed to the development of the qualities required for that period, whilst the remaining 20% instead should be used to main...
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